New kitchen or windows first?


Registered User
Which would you do first with regard to mess etc. Fit new Kitchen or get the windows replaced first???
The kitchen has just one window over the sink and was thinking of waiting till after the windows go in in first 2 weeks in July then tackling kitchen. Windows being done by pros ( See my thread on windows scandalous prices!!!)me and hubby doing my parents kitchen with off the shelf from Homebase??

Would it matter if we started the kitchen then left the tiling under the windows and the paint work till after the lads have put in the new windows, is there tonnes of mess after window fitting??

I am due baby Aug 8th so you can see why I want to get kitchen started, I know Im mad... Feeling great though at present and can help to a degree... No heavy lifting but will be some use (or hindrence maybe)
Congratulations on the baby. I'd have the windows done first as the new kitchen might get scratched or scuffed. I understand your predicament though and window fitting should not cause too much mess as long as plaster on surrounding wall etc. is sound. Also you can be there while they fit, crack the whip, tell them the kitchen is new and you don't want too much mess and definitely no damage.