New Jobseekers pay related payments

Not fully clear @Sue Ellen the press release says:

  • The Minister will bring forward a commencement order for the introduction of Pay Related Benefit later this year once the necessary IT systems have been developed.

The bill was signed by the President on 15 July 2024 however so implementation is fully in the hands of minister and department for social protection.
Hopefully October along with the other changes

"The Minister will bring forward a commencement order for the introduction of Pay Related Benefit later this year once the necessary IT systems have been developed
It appears to only apply to people who become entitled to Jobseeker's Benefit after that commencement date of October 1st? I'm surprised it isn't backdated - for say six months - as it could encourage people to hold off on leaving employment in order to avail of the increased payment rates.

I could see a situation where a company planning to lay off workers were being put under pressure to wait a bit longer until the new rates kick in....
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While a welcome addition I don’t agree with the need for at least 5 years. That means no one is entitled to it for the first 5 years or so of your working life. Or if say someone goes to work abroad a year after graduating they have another few years to do after returning.

It’s often young people who are first to be let go.

I can understand it as a need the program from abuse but it feels extreme. It’s an insurance that we are all paying into, some people may need it early in their career and so may be “up” on the system and then not need it again for 40 years.

The fact you need to pay in for 5 years, well people would just be better off saving themselves. It defeats the whole idea of group insurance.