new job what present to buy


Registered User
hi my friend has got a new job shes been looking for ages so i want to buy her something dont know what to buy though anyone any ideas? dis de new ting now is it? buying presents when someone gets a job......
you could get her something work related like a nice pen, calculator etc if its an office job...what about a basket you've made up yourself with a small bottle of champagne, chocolates, nice bubble bath (for the end of a hard first week )or maybe take her out for a meal to celebrate....?
thanxice i like the basket idea, and ninsaga i dont know i just thought i would get her something as she hasnt been working in the last 2years and she might be nervous you know. have you never seen the cards gud luck in your new job? maybe you dont work. thanks again ice
I think its a really nice thing to do for someone blueshoes.....I am sure your friend will be thrilled with the gesture.....the world would be a better place if we were all kinder to one another...thoughtful things like that can really make someones day. You sound like a good friend to have
I think that's a lovely idea. I'm not sure how much you were thinking of spending. Maybe a voucher for somewhere like Nue Blue Eriu or her favourite hair salon? Going back to work after a long gap must be daunting and feeling that you look fabulous might be a confidence booster.
For all I know about blueshoes' friend she might well need/want an ironing board. They're very handy.
...well I suppose it does make sense....she won't wanna go to work on the first day with a wrinkely blouse now would she....first day impressions and all that lark....
How about an L plate for their car in green rather than the standard red? Thats kinda jazzy too?!
I know its not as exciting as an ironing board or green L plates but if shes in an office what about a plant in a nice pot. if she kills off the plant as i do she can use the pot for her pencils.
How about one of those "You don't have to be mad to work here, but it helps" stickers. You could stick it in as a hidden extra when you wrap the Ironing board...
Set the ironing board up in the office. Then, when anyone asks you to do a job, lie on top of it on your front, stick your arms out and say "wadda think I am? Superman?" Always works for me :)
Thrifty said:
I know its not as exciting as an ironing board or green L plates but if shes in an office what about a plant in a nice pot. if she kills off the plant as i do she can use the pot for her pencils.

Don't know about potted plants not being exciting. I think this plant looks lovely and would be sure to get her noticed.

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How about a clipboard so that in the first few weeks while she is finding her feet and has little to do she can walk around familiarising herself with her new workplace while looking busy at the same time.