The thing about doing the bare minimum, is that my days would be more stressful e.g. companies wondering why they arent being invoiced for goods, creditors wanting cheques, queries etc, not to talk about having proper figures for the owner. I am the only person in accounts. The other people are in different jobs.
I am looking for something else, but I know I can't get time off for lots of interviews. There are only so many excuses one can use. Also, taking an hour off here and there, every second week, looks bad.
I have got slightly faster at the work and am figuring out things. However, I still don't really want to stay there, partly because of this person and partly the workload. The owners are planning more work for me when I get faster at this work (They have a number of businesses). It is still taking me 45 hrs+ to do this work. Even if I get faster, it seems I will still be working long hours with the upcoming work. There is a culture of working long hours, and rarely taking holidays among the other workers.
I am a bit conscious of leaving if I have no job to go to. Everyone says it is harder to get a job if you have no job. On the other hand, if I was available for contract work, I might get something for a few weeks, and it could turn long term. At the moment the agencies are reluctant to consider me for contract work. Their attitude is that I have a steady job, and I may have no job when the contract finishes.
I am considering sticking it out for another while (it looks better on a CV to have stayed in a job a few months). I am considering leaving just before my wedding, and searching for contract work after the honeymoon. I don't want to leave now, search for contract work, and have to tell contract jobs that I need 2 wks off to get married. Contracts work month to month and mine may not be renewed if I'm taking time off.
I would like to stay at this job until I get another job, but what if I don't get another job for a year or two!! It took me a year to get this job (I was trying to move nearer home). This is ruining the build up to the wedding, and I don't want to think of a backlog, people at work etc, when I come back from honeymoon.
What would you think?