new irish independant website


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I use the indo website most days to keep up with the news etc etc.

They recently changed their website and I personally think its not very user friendly and is actually turning me to other websites.

Anyone agree?
Very poor site,its like they got the before and after the wrong way round.

They really should have just had done with it and copied the layout of the Daily Wail (Mail) God knows they lift most of their stories from them as it is.
Very poor site. Nice interface, graphics, fonts etc... it's the content that is terrible...
is it supposed to be a live news site or an online version of their daily paper? I cant figure it out at all
I used to use the Indo site regularly. Now, it's hard to load, the content is all over the place and layout is terrible. I will just stick with the Irish Times in future.
And I don't like the way the top links' menus intrude when you accidentally hover over them.

One good thing .... I spend less time reading news now!

I also use the text version of the Examiner site (identical news to Indo - only less graphics):

[broken link removed]
Daily Mail is a terrible paper (interesting nature pics to be fair) but they have a fantastic website.

One of the busiest news websites in the world I believe and they still get their advertising in too.

Why didn't the Indo just copy them?

edit, already said above ^^^^
I thought its a slight improvement on the old one, a bit more order to it.

I read the eEdition (online paper - whatever you call it) so dont interact too much with the site, however I dont know why they cant put the link up the top to the eEdition, I find myself scrolling and scrolling and scrolling and eventually its there - if that doesnt sound very user friendly at least its a bit easier find than before when it was stuck to the right hand side somewhere in the middle of the page.
Hate the new layout as well.Much preferred it the way it was and agree it is now really slow.
Phew... I thought it was only me... Appalling site.
Too slow, menus impossible to follow.

Used to love the site, now I dont look at it anymore. Maybe its there way of trying to get people to buy that actual newspaper in future ???

The old site was excellent. A little bland but it allowed you read the news. Which is good for a NEWS Website !!!

If it aint broke, dont fix it!
Don't like the new site either. Looks to me like a move away from a "Newspaper" site to a "News" site as per

Nice the see the content hasn't changed though
Wouldnt fault the content though - have always liked it, good quality without relentlessly taking itself too seriously (are you listening Old Lady/Paper of Record)
agreed, its awful but I thin k they want to move to a paywall so it wont last long.

dont knock the daily mail, if that paper was not published none of the ground breaking stories would have seen the light of day
dont knock the daily mail, if that paper was not published none of the ground breaking stories would have seen the light of day
Whaaat? Is there a missing smilie here Noah? Admittedly the Daily Mail is good for the sudoku puzzles...
I Like the Daily Wail,entertaining and seems to be the only real barometer for how badly wrong things are going in Engerland.

Dont visit the Indo site as much and that predates the change,Irish Times site is also poor but I get the paper itself at the weekends.

In general,the standard of good Journalism has slipped dramatically in all Irish papers,this is particularly true of the Indo and especially true of its sister rag,the Sindo.
The pages take for ever to load. I end up opening another window to browse something else while I am waiting. Don't think I will bother anymore. Too much trouble.
The nail in the coffin in the Irish Independent website will be when they start charging for content.