New Ireland


Registered User
I am not sure if this is the correct place to query this -

Anyway . My husband has a policy with New Ireland - He pays approx E120 a month into it. I realise that this is small money to some. He has been paying into it for 10 years now.

They wrote to us recently about increasing the premium slightly and included in the letter that the life policy amount on death was E21,000. This figure 2 years ago was over 30,000. I noticed that they did not state that the benefit was reduced. just stated this amount.

Does anyone know what this is about?

What questions should we be asking New Ireland re investment? Can anyone comment on New Ireland?

Thank You.
I am well able to comment on New Ireland !! Check my other posts on other theads in Investments. The life assurance value has dropped I can only assume is that the value of the fund has dropped. Did you invest directly with NI or through your own broker or a Tied Agent. I am unable to see a reason as to why they want you to increase your premiums other than trying to ensure the commission of the broker is maintained. What fund has your hubbie invested in ?? NI operate slightly different in various parts of the country. As far as I can see in Dublin it is OK, but in the West they treat people as if they are dopes. As a company that is part of the BoI group their attitude is quite distasteful. Call them and ask some questions and report back to this forum.
I took out my ssia with N.I.After it matured, I continued to invest 254 p.m. for about 3 years. Then, like all else, came the crash. After my units bottomed out, I decided it was a good time to buy in at the bottom and gave my broker a sizeable sum to top up my units and cease to pay monthly. After holding my sizeable sum for more than a month, it was returned, saying it had to be continued in monthly payments. I was at the loss of a months intrist while they gained. About your decrease in life payment, I had the same experience. As you get older you become a bigger risk of dying. The insurance co. either double the monthly premiums or halve the payout.
Your are like a broken record, pointless stuff again, continuos harping on about being offered deals on allocation fees and management charges.
These kind of comments

"NI operate slightly different in various parts of the country. As far as I can see in Dublin it is OK, but in the West they treat people as if they are dopes. As a company that is part of the BoI group their attitude is quite distasteful. Call them and ask some questions and report back to this forum"

in my opinion are not only unhelpful but are borderline libellous.
You should not be allowed to post on this site any longer if you continue with this kind of stuff, as you do not seem interested in helping peoples questions but only in slinging mud because of your personal issues/case with this company.
You have no right to try and discipline my posts. Every single matter I have posted in this regard can be backed up with legitimate paperwork. There is nothing libellous about my posts. If you are working for the said company that is your business, but you hold no right to try and silence me from stating the facts. If you have a problem that's your problem not mine. I am simply offering experienced opinions in this regard and making endeavours to assist others.
Forget it wast of time trying to do any kind of reasoning with you ends up the same every time.
What you are suggesting time and again is scandalous even a dog in the street can see that the statenents youre making are in no way helpful, each thread on this and similiar stuff turns into the same bashing theme over and over.
You should be removed or banned that is my personal judgement on this ,to call the like of this fact is just plain ridiculous "As far as I can see in Dublin it is OK, but in the West they treat people as if they are dopes. As a company that is part of the BoI group their attitude is quite distasteful"

This is nothing personal my friend, if you cant see what you are doing is both unhelpful and out of order then you have lost all objectivity.
I have no problem with your own issues on your case, but you are letting these posion every response that you make on these type of queries.
see what you are doing is both unhelpful and out of order then you have lost all objectivity. I have no problem with your own issues on your case, but you are letting these posion every response that you make on these type of queries.

This is a Forum for the purpose of others to offer opinion and help. I am offering a straight opinion from an experience which I have had to endure.I do no class these as unhelpful especially for those who might be contemplating a lump sum investment. In the same manner I have not pointed any damming post concerning the fund managers. Did you ever consider your posts might be unhelpful by castigating others for opinions which you seem to know very little about ??
I am not castigating anyone other than you and i have clearly pointed out the kind of stuff you have been spouting which is unhelpful.
None of this you have been able to refute. As i said waste of time, im sure you will be straight into the next post on a smiliar topic with more of your "helpful comments" TomOC please dont talk nonsense im doing nothing of the sort, if you had looked at any post from this clown you would see the never ending these with this guy a chip on his shoulder the size of his head-huge.
I am not castigating anyone other than you and i have clearly pointed out the kind of stuff you have been spouting which is unhelpful.

Maybe but you have been slinging mud at me since you got reading my posts. How can you state that I am been 'unhelpful', by offering others the benefit of an experience and to ensure that others do not get trapped in a similar experience.

If you class me as having a chip on my shoulder you are so wrong. I have now spent over 2 years in trying to have a simple matter rectified to no avail. Its pretty obvious that you are involved in the Financial Providers industry. Otherwise you would not keep on drawing the matters out. Give it a rest please. I'm trying to move on and keep personal insults out of this. The truth always hurts and thankfully i'm not winging and wining.
If you class me as having a chip on my shoulder you are so wrong. I have now spent over 2 years in trying to have a simple matter rectified to no avail.

Sorry m8 but you just made the point for me, i rest my case.
Your case might be rested after the Authorities have made a ruling.
Dude that has nothing to do with me my job or otherwise i do not work for NewIreland and couldnt care less how you get on with this, if you have been mis sold something then good luck and im sure this will come out fine for you. At least i think you have seen the light here, and hopefully can appreciate what i have tried to illustrate to you, hopefully you will try to be contructive in future posts on these issues and not keeping trying to bang your drum till all are in agreement.

In Ireland the joke is made about "The well balanced Irishman : a chip on both shoulders". This is someone who has an endless supply of current and, more often historical, socio-political injustices to complain about. It is quite probable that all these are true; but the perception that the individual never misses an opportunity to raise these issues, often combined with the perception that they have never suffered these injustices themselves, leaves the person open to satire.
He was given misleading advice, from what I can remember written promises were withdrawn (or something along those lines, vague recollection of the post I read regarding Mercman's issue). From where I'm standing he is trying to right a wrong. Spending two years trying to rectify a simple matter, which the company got very wrong, is not having a chip on his shoulder. The matter is simple, they should have sorted it ages ago. Nothing to do with having a chip on his shoulder. And I think the fact that he is letting people know how wrong the company in question got these matters is very helpful to potential investors.
Paddy, thank you for your support. It would be far worse if I watched persons invest and then to place their trust in the company concerned when similar occurrences could well occur. Not alone should the matter have been sorted, the amount of deceit that has gone on is incredible. Anyway, for the purpose of my own dignity and to save the insults, I intend leaving the matters at present until a result from my complaint has been forthcoming. When published and with the permission of the Mods, I will post the findings on AAM. Thanks again. Merc.
sorry to have caused some dissagreements.

I am not sure which funds are been invested in. My husband is burying his head in the sand lol. he paid in 14,000 and it is now worth 9,000. so a lose of 5,000.

And we keep paying the monthly payment!!!!!
From my part no disagreements caused at all. Just others trying to defend the indefensible.

In relation to your hubbie's contributions, I am sure he went into investing in these funds on a long term basis. The only advantage (assuming there is one) is that the mix is been pretty averaged out, where he has invested in when the funds were high along with when they are low. Historically (and nobody knows the future) is that they should normally creep back. It is not going to happen overnight though. Obviously the letter you received was from an agent who wanted you to increase your amounts for them to receive a higher commission. In relation to the other questions why not phone them and ask them for answers.

There are no funds which have not been effected by the turbulance in the world markets. All asset classes have been hit.
Thanks for that infor mercman. We do not go through an agent just direct with New Ireland. I have found out that the increase is just to keep investment inline with inflation!