New Ireland Triology S9 fund


Registered User
Invested in the above fund latter end of 2007. Pulled out a few years back and moved to alternative fund/funds. Read a few bits here and there regarding how badly monies in the fund were invested. Can anybody comment especially around the bond part of the fund? Also can anybody offer any comment around action taken- if any in relation to investments made in this fund?
Thanks in advance
The Trilogy fund was a great Celtic Tiger story. Gearing on the property part of it, which everyone was looking for at the time. Things soured quite quickly though and people quickly saw how gearing magnifies losses as well as gains. On the bond side, didn't Bloxhams sue Morgan Stanley? I don't know how that case went.

Steven (
Investing in funds based in Ireland is not really a great idea. Investing in funds run by New Ireland is a shocking idea. My views on New Ireland are well covered on AAM. I'm unable to write muvh more as I'll be turfed off the site. The only winners in these funds are the Fund Management. In reality if investing in funds , perhaps one should take a look at other countries or in fact, stockbroker funds which are run by persons that are close to the market. Assurance companies in the main look after Life Policies and Pensions : they are not working on a day to day market scenarion. Win or lose they get a prize, which the policy holders are paying for.

Thanks folks for the replies. Mercman agree with your comments wholly. Still have money invested with New Ireland now in European equity fund.
Only still there because Im still down about 15% since 2007 and even if fund does not perform as well as other funds the next/if any profit will not be taxable. Professional money managers? I bought shares directly myself in 2007 and have at least made a profit.
Brendan is right in posts. I dont have a clue regarding shares but if you buy good companies and hold you will loose and gain but overall do at least as well as the so called experts.