New Ireland Smart Funds and Friends First Prospector/TrilogyII Fund



Hi there,

I'd appreciate any advice anyone can give me on the two funds I've invested in.

I was left 70k in 2006 and invested 30k with Friends First Smart Funds UK Select Property Life Fund which is now worth 20,194.42. And 40k with New Ireland Trilogy II Management Fund which is now worth 20,256.60.

I'm normally a very safe person and would not normally have invested, just put it into a high interest account. But, I listened to a Financial Advisor who suggested the above.

My question is should I move what money I have left out of these funds (I'd loose another 2k approx on surrender) and into a normal savings account? Some people have told be to ride it out - I have another 3 years to go on the policy.

The financial advisor hasn't bothered to get back to me when I've called me to ask what I should do about my situation. And I'm wondering if at the end of the term weather I'll actually have any money left.

Many thanks

In fairness to the Providers, they cannot be blamed for the drop in the funds. All asset classes have been hit. Historically equities do make an effort to return to ourperform the market. It your call, bu you might be better holding off cashing in.
Thanks Mercman,

I think I will sit tight for the time being. I've never ventured this way before and I was a little worried about these policies and that fact that the F.A. never got back to me.

Thanks again

Molly. you should ask the FA. Remember he has received the initial commission and annually thereafter. It is the least that he might do is answer your questions and hear your concerns and then offer an opinion.