New house questions?


Registered User
Hi all,

Fast becoming a fan of this web site. (Posted earlier!) Im sure you'll all be sick of my questions soon enough but being a first time buyer its a bit nerve racking and it seems theres a never ending list of things to do and people to call...!Anyway just wondering if anyone can tell me if Sky digital will install in Athy as Choras have informed me that the estate we are buying in is the only one in Athy that cant get a siginal from Choras!! Oh and is the installation and box free for a new subscriber? And although off the topic slightly...anyone know if builders charge muchextra to put extra plug sockets into a new house and when should i ask them? And if anyone knows if the train service to Athy (waterford line) will be improved in the future any info would be much appriciated...two extra hours in work just to get the train home is one of the sacrafices i seem to have to make as cant afford any closer to Dublin!!!

Cheers all (sorry about the questions /Novel above!)
Re: sockets and extras. Ask early and often ;) . Its not too late after the electrician/plumber has come and gone but it is a lot more expensive and disruptive. Better that they do the work at "first fix" when they have no plaserboard or anything up. Once the plasterboard goes in start counting the cost. regards
An additional double socket will cost about €75 all in, but you'll never do it as cheap afterwards.
Sky should install anywhere. Ring before the end of August I think they have an offer on of free boxes (regular or Sky+) and two months half price subscription or something like that.