new hotel owners take on debt?


Registered User
Wondering can anyone out there offer some advice on this.
A friend is getting married later this summer and pre-booked hotel rooms for guests in a near by hotel. They hada contract with the hotel that they paid a €2000 deposit which would be given back to them in full before the wedding.(as the guests would book the rooms and pay for the rooms themselves).
Anyways fast forward 6 months and there is now new hotel owners and they wont honour the contract & give back the €2k. The only way they will do it is by giving the guests the hotel rooms to the value of €2k - but that isnt much good to the bride & groom, as they can not ask the guests to pay them directly for the rooms.
Guess my question is to the new hotel owners have to honour the previous agreement or can they do things there own way?
Any advice would be appreciateed as we have a very stressed out bride & groom now.
Do the couple have anything in writing from the hotel?

Why not ask the guests to pay upfront? There's been plenty of times that I went to weddings were the couple booked and then I paid. Hotels usually don't charge until you are checking out anyway.
they have a full contract from the hotels previous owners.
Even if the guests pay upfront the hotel said they will not refund the money already paid, they will only let it go towards the rooms.
I would talk to a solicitor here. They have a contract confirming the agreement. I have no legal knowledge but I would be surprised if a hotel sold as a going concern could go back on deals made prior to purchase.

Alternatively, you could ask the guests to pay the money directly to the bride and groom, up to the value of their deposit.
When you buy or sell a working business there is an accounting date picked and a reconsiliation is done.
The deposit that your friends paid woud form part of this and the new owners would have been given the benifit of this sum in their accounts.
I would think that the only way that your friends would not be entitled to their deposit would be if the previous business had gone bankrupte.