New group lobbying for better treatment of Irish savers and investors

Brendan Burgess


About ISAG​

The Irish Savers Action Group was formed in order to lobby on behalf of Irish Savers. We want to tackle the issues that prevent Irish Savers from being suitably rewarded for their hard work.
We are not affiliated with any political party or organisation.
We would love for anyone who agrees with our group’s goals to join and engage with the organisation. Please get in contact if you would like to help us by emailing your local TDs.
Is this an April Fool?

When I see the acronym ISAG I immediately think of the Independent Scientific Advocacy Group (for Covid-19 elimination).
I don't know anything about them. The first I heard was when someone posted a link in the middle of another thread earlier today.

I think it's a good idea. The taxation could be streamlined a lot.

In particular, it would be good if Revenue made the tax treatment of ETFs comparable to shares and easily understood.

I first heard of them when interviewed on one of those fire podcasts and they seem thoughtful and pretty impressive actually. Its episode 67 of the Irish Fire Podcast. They've linked to the podcast on their twitter account.
Fair play to them.
I don't know anything about them. The first I heard was when someone posted a link in the middle of another thread earlier today.

I posted about them in Feb and their efforts around deemed disposals. You even replied to the thread!

Regardless, I think this is great to see, and I am happy to see them getting more publicity. I think the current taxation issues, will have uwanted knock on effects for many irish citizens. It is a farce or shameful, that despite our business friendly, pro fund domiciled here, pro reit environment, that it is so difficult as a domiciled citizen to create and execute a good investment plan.

I think you should try and lend your political power/sway/credibility to them.
While I believe that the group has some interesting arguments, I think that a campaign group should show who its founders are. I would be wary of lending my support to a group without knowing who's behind it. I wouldn't like to think that a group that I supported using my real name would turn out to be run by, say, some loony political group, who's other campaigns I despised. (This is not a suggestion about ISAG, by the way. I know absolutely nothing about who's behind it. Just making a general point about anonymously-run campaigns.)