New flower bed...plastic covered in gravel -watering ?



Garden just been landscaped , new flower beds surrounded by sleepers ...soil covered in plastic or polythene and then gravel covered.

Plants planted through holes/slices in polythene.

Will watering have to be directed specifically at where plant neters the gravel or will general watering of bed over gravel seep to the holes in polythene ( an dgravel prevent evaportation).

Also is it a pain to plant more in such beds ...

Any hints etc..

Landscaper did job ( looks very well) but other half didnt ask him any questions about ongoin gmaintnenace etc
Moneygrower is right, its more than likely (almost definitely) water permeable. This is put down to keep weeds at bay, so nothing grows up through it, but water seeps down to the soil.
padh said:
soil covered in plastic or polythene and then gravel covered.

Plants planted through holes/slices in polythene.

Will watering have to be directed specifically at where plant enters the gravel

Also is it a pain to plant more in such beds ...
Hello padh.
If it truly is "plastic or polythene", 500 to 100 gauge, then I would suggest piercing with a garden fork every ft or so, to allow water drainage.
This will water your plants and prevent stem rotting of plants sitting in plastic holding water.

If your landscaper used an approved semi-permeable weed prevention fabric (mypex, plantex) you will have no water worries.

As to future plantings through weed prevention fabric, well you just cut an X in the farbic and plant through that.
It is just a bit more troublesome than planting into open soil.