new floor too high for indoor mat


Registered User
Just had new laminate floors put down. Now if I put down a mat, I cannot open the front door. Any suggestions? I need to put down something so that wet feet coming into the house can be dried very thoroughly.

i got a very thin floor mat and just put double sided masking tape underneath (well actually I just rolled the tape in a circle) and it has kept the mat in place for over a year no problem. I aos have brushes on the bottom of the door and it's fine.
Hi PGD1,

Can you tell me where you got the floormat from and maybe a brief description of it.

Just saw the spelling mistake - must get the non-alcoholic wine opened.
We have the same problem here but got a thin mat with fringes on for €4.99 last week at Lydl. Went back to get another but they had sold out. It does the job of keeping the wooden floor dry inside the door.
"Can you tell me where you got the floormat from and maybe a brief description of it"

Hi Shaz, (These) mats from many shops are hardwearing, thin and do the job especially at a back door, not too sure about elsewhere though.