New Estate - Phase 1 and 2


Registered User
I put down a booking deposit on an apartment in a new estate last October. I saw advertised last week that Phase 2 has now been released. The estate has 40 houses of various types. I didnt know at the time I put down booking deposit it was Phase 1. My apartment isnt full built yet and we have not yet been give a completion date. Some houses are almost built fully in estate. I have only paid a booking deposit but received contract last week. I am just confused by a new phase being released. Does this mean we could move in whilst the estate is not fully built or can anyway explain to me why estates are released in Phases, I dont understand. thanks
Estates are now generally built in phases for a couple of reasons, i think planning plays a part to ensure no repeat of the ghost estate issue and most funding is now advanced on a phased basis as well, so they cant get funding for phase 2 until phase 1 is substantially sold for example.
Everything has been built in phases for decades now. Sometimes it is stipulated in the planning (as often there is accompanying additional infrastructure done in parallel).