do i offer below the asking price of a new development?? i saw in a another thread to ask 20% below the asking price in second hand homes, also what other general questions should be asked about a new development?
You can try but my guess is that the developer/agent will not entertain bids. The worst that can happen is that they say no and you then offer the actual asking price if necessary.
Maybe depends where you are / the number of units left.
I know of one person who offered 5K below the asking prices on a new houses in a new development in Longford and it was accepted. I think they are feeling the slow down more there so they were happy to get another unit sold.
On new developments negotiations are less likely, but not uncommon, it really depends on the area and how long the development has been up and running. If it's first phase I wouldn't think they would be open to much negotiation, but given the current climate it's definitely worth a shot. Some developments are offering cash back or appliances included if you sign contracts within given time usually round the 3/4 week mark. Like some have said it's worth a shot, also on a side note 20% less on 2nd hand homes is more of a doomsayers dream than a reality across the board.