New Desktop


Registered User
Advice ,please,on the purchase of a new desktop.To do basic enough stuff......e-mailing,downloading,burning CD's/DVD's,etc.Does one have to spend a lot?How about DELL? I've been hearing they're not all they're cracked up to be.Thanks in advance!
Re: New Desktop...

I work in IT - we use DELL all the time - the do everything you want them to do - never any complaints with them through work or personally. I have bought 4 machines from them for myself and friends and i've never had any bother. And if you're looking for a straight forward machine that will do all the basic stuff you're speaking of, then 500e will cover everything you need.
Re: New Desktop...

For a total novice just looking for the very basics (e-mails, browsing, a little music - and a little above this) a fairly cheap package will certainly do.

Dell have many critics but any company who've grown like Dell have will never be able to keep all their customers happy all of the time (look at Windows, Apple [regarding the iPod] etc). I've dealt with Dell twice and was extremely happy both times.

If you feel you may need follow up support (anything from how to get it going to future upgrades or perpherials - its the problems and the follow up customer support that seems to be giving Dell the most complaints atm) it may be more comforting to go to a local supplier. For a fairly low spec machine the savings of going on-line etc would/may be very little.

Decide exactly what you want (CD burning - make sure it has a CD burner (CD-R or CD-RW), watching DVDs - make sure it has a DVD/CD-R(or RW) etc think about additional things like wireless internet or extras - can all be added later but may be easier now).
Have a look on the Dell site ( and see what sort of prices your getting for the system. Compare this to some local shops to see if you think its worth the extra trouble.

When you do call into local shops don't be afraid to ask the sales people to run through things with you. Speeds of processors, memory etc can be daunting at first look, but when explained by someone who can its all very graspable. Ignore the sales pitches they throw at you and just pick up the info you need. Then decide which you feel is easiest for you (I would suggest a local shop as going for the cheapest [possibly online] is not the same as going for the best solution for you - anyone who's had serious trouble will tell you how much they'd have paid to avoid it).

Hope it all goes well.
if you're just looking for the basics, then Tesco do great cheap packages including printers.
Get to Tesco TODAY OR TOMORROW - they are giving HALF your money back in Tesco Vouchers if you buy a pc or laptop - basic pc for €599 so it will only really cost you €299!!
I've no personal experience with the laptops in question, but have seen numerous threads on them which were less than complimentary (at least one here on AAM and a few on

It is quite a good deal on the face of it, but if the PC should later give problems the extra few euro may be better spent elsewhere.

There are many threads dealing with buying of laptops (from high end to bargain bin) across AAM (hundreds of others on AV forums and Try one or two of these threads for some additional reading which may be of help (.
I wouldn't be quick to recommend Dell laptops (especially the lower end models) having used them for a few years in a previous job-it may be worth purchasing the 3 year warranty/collect and return service from Dell if opting for the laptops mentioned above.

The Tesco offer seems ok-could be false economy however-only time will tell I guess.

Edit-I notice that the OP is interested in a desktop, not a laptop.
podgerodge said:
Get to Tesco TODAY OR TOMORROW - they are giving HALF your money back in Tesco Vouchers if you buy a pc or laptop - basic pc for €599 so it will only really cost you €299!!

I just bought the desktop for 599 there. 160GB HD, 512 RAM, DVDRW, 15.4" screen, lexmark printer. I don't think you'd get a better offer than that. They are flying out the doors!!!