New Dehli


Registered User
Anyone been there....any advice for the city, especially in terms of hotels. Done the usual checks on tripadvisor etc but was hoping someone might have been there in person
Be very very carefull of what you eat there or anywhere in India as there have been many people from this part of the world who have got food poisning there i know one person who very nearly died there after something bad that he eat
yea, heard the same myself. Thats why I was trying to get a very good hotel but they are close to 300 euro a night!
Hi there,

I was there in Oct.
What type of hotel are you looking for - e.g. back-packer style or more upmarket?

You can choose to stay in New Delhi or Old Delhi.
New Delhi has more modern hotels (mostly around Connaught Place).

I stayed in an area out from the center (cant remember the name).
We stayed in a hotel called 'Hotel Southern'. It was very cheap - about 25E a night. It was a bit of a shock to arrive, because there were people (hotel staff?) asleep on the floors, and I had to walk over them to get to my room! I booked a 'deluxe room' since it was so cheap, and it was lovely - marble floors, clean white sheets etc. The standard rooms were hovels though, with hole in the ground for bathroom etc.
I wouldnt particularly recommend it, since there are millions of hotel in Delhi. I stayed in another, which was nearer the center and probably better - cant remember the name, but will look it up and post later.

There's lots to see in Delhi - the Red Fort, the biggest mosque in the world, the busy streets of old delhi.

I had no probs with food atall - I steered clear of meat and salad, and only ate vegetables and rice though.

The hardest thing to cope with is the poverty. There are thousands of people on the streets any time day or night. The children come up to you holding up their t-shirts to show how skinny their stomachs are and asking for 'chapattis' (bread). I tended to take leftover breadrolls and naan from my meals and give them to the kids.

yea, heard the same myself. Thats why I was trying to get a very good hotel but they are close to 300 euro a night!

A very good hotel will not protect you from food poisoning. I only got sick once during a month of travel in India and that was in a good hotel.

It is not so much the food, but the water that you have to be careful of. Don't drink any water other than bottled water that you have opened yourself. That includes brushing teeth. Hand washing in very important. Don't eat any fruit that is not peeled and avoid salads, as they will probably have been washed in tap water.

Other that these simple guidelines, given to us by our Indian friends, most food is safe and good, and some street food (samosas etc) was best of all. Using common sense, if you see food being fried in front of you you are unlikely to get ill from it. Bedises, it would be a shame to stick to hotel food when there is such a variety of fabulous food there!

In terms of giving money to beggars etc, we again asked for local advice, which was that most people give small sums to disabled beggars due to the lack of social provision. Plus a small amount to people who do things for you, such as help find a parking spot etc, as this is probably their only income.

enjoy - it's a brilliant place
