new countries open to accession countries


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so now the polish and other new eu citizens can chose between ireland uk sweden greece portugal spain finland,will we see the amount of people coming here falling? would it be more attractive to work in a cheaper country or one with better weather/quality of life?? if the germans french etc had let them in i would say thev amounts coming here would definetely fall,it may fall even now as spain is a big country with lot of opportunities and finland is close to latvia estonia lithuania and has great social services high income etc .
may fall even now as spain is a big country with lot of opportunities
And an average salary of about 15K pa, I think we're still somewhat more attractive (and certainly in the bigger cities, where the work is, cost of living is'nt that far behind here).
They will all go to Germany and the near countries. Hopefully it will stem the tide of immigation to Ireland.
Sweden has been letting them in since the original accession date and yet they have had no more than a few thousand applicants for work permits. They'll keep going where the work is (and where their friends have gone before) - Ireland.

Greece and Portugal have no jobs and pay is crap in Spain.
id' say finland would be the only one likely to attract many. pay is spain might be half the rate of ireland but cost of living is a lot lower in many parts too,this might attract some people.
I have some relatives in Spain, they won't risk leaving their job to travel for a year, for fear that they won't have a job when they arrive back, so I don't imagine there are too many opportunities there.
young people from any country ( including Ireland) are happy to work for peanuts in Spain for the craic etc , Finland will undoubtably be a local draw. Don't know about Greece. Real debate is going to be about Bulgaria and Romania.
Yea I think it is very good that other countries have opened up to the new countries. I think this will definitely stem the numbers arriving in ireland. I don't have anything against immigrants but I think the shear numbers coming to a small country like ireland was unsustainable.