New car discount


Registered User
Are discounts on list price normally available on new cars ,without trade-in?
What disccount ,if any, could I expect on a car whose list price is EUR 20K?
Yes, they are only a starting point. Maybe 10%!, but they prefer to add extras instead.
You will be luky to get 10% on anything other than a FIAT tbh.

BMW and Merc. will try to give you nothing off.

Budget maybe 6% for a straight cash deal. Depends on the maker, car, it's place in it's life cycle etc.

If I were you I'd hold off until March, Dealers often give very attractive deals at the end of the 1st quarter when every sale matters to their rebates.
May be 10% in December 2007, but not in January 2007..

Agree with Towger, they prefer adding extra... but if there are extra that you really want, negociate discount on extras as well as they margin is higher on these than on the bear car.
Haggle on prices, play different dealerships off each others. Get print out of offers to show them you are not bluffing. When they stop moving on price, thens the time to start seeing what extras they will throw in.