New Car Diesel Engine Recommendations?


Registered User
Hey All!

Just thinking about changing car and looking at diesel engines to do my bit for the environment! Does anyone have any suggestions, it will have to be in the super mini class and I already drive a Fabia which is great so looking at 1.4 TDI new Fabia? All opinions welcome!

Test drove diesel mini - nice car, but very 'compact' inside and not turbo so kind of sedate drive - perfect for the city I'd say (think they may have brought out a bigger one after the 1.4).
Went with the VW Beetle diesel in the end - great engine, fantastic acceleration - torquey!!
Trim poor though.
It's hard to beat the new Fabia 2 for sheer value and for you its know quantity, warts and all. The new 1.4TDI Sport is just under 20k and the 1.4TDI Elegance is just under 21k. If you want to go power mad you can have the 105 bhp 1.9TDI Fabia Elegance for over 7k less than the Beetle with the same engine.

Test-drive what-ever cars take your fancy from the list supplied here, but if you want to have your cake and drive it, then leave the Fabia on the list (I freely admit my prejudice in Skoda's favour).
Cheers for the replies!

Another related question, do you think it would be better to wait until July 1st? I will be trading in my 04 Fabia and from what I have been reading the value of it may go down after June 30 the same amount as the VRT and therefore cancel out any savings of waiting, it this correct?


The garages will already have priced in any drop in values for your trade-in, so you may as well wait and buy on July 1