New Cadbury's Add with the 2 kids

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I think its a brilliant ad and it looks like its having the desired it or hate it, we're still talking about it.
I love it, its a wonderfully inventive ad, which highlights the slightly naughty yes maybe wholesome aspect of eating chocolate as they are positioned like two kids about to get into trouble as they could be either waiting at the Principle's or the Dentists office yet still getting their kicks. I think you'll find the people who don't like it are chocolate lovers, it wouldn't appeal to people who may see Cadbury's as a morning fix! as its aim is to widen the purchasing base.
No its not a valid point as it can be easily interpreted as saying there is something "wrong" with looking like a "special needs child".
Of course it can be easily interpreted by someone who wants to interpret it that way. Other posters seem to understand what was meant. Why do you have this problem?
Of course it can be easily interpreted by someone who wants to interpret it that way. Other posters seem to understand what was meant. Why do you have this problem?

I don't understand what he meant. Can you explain?
they are positioned like two kids about to get into trouble as they could be either waiting at the Principle's or the Dentists office yet still getting their kicks.

It looks like they're about to have their photo taken (which might actually be worse than a visit to either the Principal or the dentist!)
Of course it can be easily interpreted by someone who wants to interpret it that way. Other posters seem to understand what was meant. Why do you have this problem?

I dont have any problem, merely stating my view. That ok with you?
No its not a valid point as it can be easily interpreted as saying there is something "wrong" with looking like a "special needs child".

Good on you Aristitle. That was my point in my original objection to the comment.

With regard to the advert. Whether it's nonsense or not, it is certainly working. We are all talking about it.
I'm not impressed by this advert myself, think it's a bit creepy to be honest!

same here. I had a 50;50 choice to buy a cadburys bar or a yorkie today - I thought of that add and I bought a Yorkie. The wrapping on yorkie is more user friendly anyway - I wish cadbury spent the money on that instead of an irritating add.
Not impressed with it either...gorilla was mega, airport race was ok, this one is terrible.
I roared laughing at it, but maybe I'm easily amused; the Gorilla ad was brilliant though.
I dont have any problem, merely stating my view. That ok with you?
That's fine - providing you allow me and others to state ours without being exhorted to pull the posts. You already castigated bond-007 for posting his. Remember, people who take the moral high ground usually have an ulterior motive. Don't ask me why - it is the knowledge among psychologists. But this question is for another thread.
I only saw it once and it went on for so long that i changed stations before finding out what the ad was for.

Its too weird for me.
No Sunny I can't. But if I had a chip on my shoulder I'd probably be in the same boat as him.

I thought Sunny was actually asking what you meant. Ok you are taking this way beyond what it is, I neither have a chip on my shoulder nor could I be arsed discussing further with you as you are trying to cause an arguement.

Moral high ground? What, I am merely stating my opinion, you don't agree so now you are making me out to be some fanatic with some major underlying issues?! Ok, whatever you ticks your box.
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