New build - Skirting boards


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Not sure if this is correct sub forum for this query.

New build. Kicking off the communications with site management on various bits eg kitchens etc. One part, this is what they said as regards skirting board:

"The skirting boards are attached to your walls on both floors, these are sealed undercoated then caulked to the walls and a finish coat of white satinwood applied"

I have been told for putting down flooring it would be better to get them to tack on the skirting boards to make it easier for putting down floors after handover.

They have refused to facilitate this request. Just wondering if anyone has any similar experience as this or if I can do anything?

all you can do is ask, they will have to be removed for flooring installation which can cause damage.
Sack them. If they can't do something simple and correcctly to meet your requirements, get them out of there