New Build Completion Problems


Registered User
Hi all,

Can anyone advise?
We agreed a sale (off plans) with a local builder for a house back in December 2005.
Booking Deposit paid to estate agent and solicitor appointed in December.
Mortgage approved and set up and "ready to roll" in October 05.
Life policies set up and already running.
Although we didn't have any completion dates placed into the contract, the builder has been vague with us on when the house will be ready. Firstly we were advised by him that the house would be finished by the end of June 2006, then August, then mid September. Now October and we can't get a straight answer from him. There seems to be long gaps in when any work is done on the house. Solicitor says we should be chasing up the builder but getting nowhere. Getting very frustrated.
Does anyone have any advise on what we can expect or do?
If it's really frustrating you and you haven't signed contracts, walk away and look somewhere else.
Otherwise you have to sit tight and wait for it to be completed.
There's nothing else you can do to make the builders work faster.

Be careful about the life policy you have in place as the longer the delay, the less life cover you have in place for your actual mortgage and the bank may require you to get it extended.