New approach by chuggers?

Ceist Beag

Registered User
I have just got off the phone from a call received from Concern. The lady at the other end of the line informed me of the current situation in North Africa and the dire need for more help and after thanking me for my current monthl contributions she then proceeded to ask me if I would increase my donations. I politely but firmly told her that I would not and that I did not appreciate the request as I feel my contributions are already quite generous and that I did not appreciate being asked to dig deep for more. I also pointed out that I did not want to receive any more begging letters from them either.
Has anyone else come across this new approach? It is even worse than those chuggers on the streets!
Iafter thanking me for my current monthl contributions she then proceeded to ask me if I would increase my donations.

This was a very popular approach by charities in the UK in my experience (about 3-4 years ago). Maybe it's something that the Irish charities are only picking up on now.

As you, it annoyed me enormously to get constant telephone calls and letters asking for more money than I was already contributing. It was a large childrens charity in my situation, and despite requests for them to stop, the continued to bug me over it. One particular letter, on 2 sides of A4, contained the words "more money" 32 times in total.

In the end, I cancelled my contributions completely and went elsewhere. I explained to them why I was stopping my contributions, but the couldn't have cared less, and still left me on their mailing list looking for money until I left the country (not because of the letters mind ).
This also happened to me and was very annoyed about it! I, too, thought I contributed generously and told them exactly what I thought of them for making the calls and sending the letters. I suggested that if they put the money wasted on cold calls, correspondence and over the top marketing, into the actual children, they'd be much better off. They completely ignored me, so when I got the next call, I cancelled the subscription.
I must be a right mug (and can probably expect many more calls) as I actually agreed to increase.
I must be a right mug (and can probably expect many more calls) as I actually agreed to increase.

I don't think you're a mug, just someone with a heart!! I had increased my contribution initially but when I kept getting the calls, I decided I'd contribute in my own way, in my own time and I refuse to be pressurised, guilt tripped and taken for a ride, by someone who's probably on commission!!

This is the point that really annoys me - part of my contribution goes towards paying someone to ring me up and ask me for more money - the cheek! I'm seriously considering cancelling my subscription and moving to another charity that doesn't seem to waste money like this - I don't think GOAL carries on like this do they?
No- GOAL use their resources to take potshots at the government all the time instead! Kilcullen should run for President.

I agree that Concern are OTT. I gave a good bit to them a while back but as my life circumstances changed I shifted to other charities and with regret decided I could do no more for them for the moment. I think the guilt trips are inappropriate, but they are desperate to get cash for the very worthwhile work they carry out and the people who have donated before are probably more likely to do so again so it probably seems to make sense to them.

It should not be beyond their capabilities to remove from their list those who have asked not to be contacted again. If they don't do this, can the data commissioner get involved?