New Airport Terminal - rip off!


Registered User
Caught Dunphy on Newtalk this am with the 3 musketeers Micko, Shane Ross and McIlvaddy. Must say their arguments make a lot of sense:

= charges go up 50% four to five years BEFORE the new terminal is open
= the taxpayer could have had a terminal for free from a number of providers rather than pay €200 million (or total cost of €1.2bn)
= the new terminal won't be available till 2010
= almost certainly the DAA (SIPTU) will run it too

If it looks like a rip off and sounds like a rip off it probably is a rip off?

Its a farce alright, let some private consortium build it. Put some type of clause in place so that we don't have a repeat of the M50 toll bridge and get on with it.
Assuming the proposed new terminal is late going into full operation and passenger numbers continue to grow, we'll still have a capacity problem when it arrives.

We don't need a new terminal - we need two. Let the DAA build this terminal. Let the private sector build a competing terminal - or even a whole new airport in an alternate location. Otherwise we're not solving the problem.
onekeano said:
If it looks like a rip off and sounds like a rip off it probably is a rip off?


Roy, were you not following the 'rip off' thread a while back? It's not a rip-off cos you could swim across the atlantic instead like the guy in the guinness ad. you have a choice!
Jister said:
Its a farce alright, let some private consortium build it. Put some type of clause in place so that we don't have a repeat of the M50 toll bridge and get on with it.

I wouldn't be quite the same as the M50 anyway as there would then be two competing terminals, if they were too expensive airlines could still use the first terminal. The M50 tollbridge is the only way to traverse that section of motorway. The tollbridge is effectively a monopoly although the airport situation would then be a duopoly which often isn't much better. Of course Ryanair could always fly to Belfast and call it Dublin, sure its only 2 hours by train.
Bertie got rid of the best civil servant this country has ever had in order to keep votes for FF in north Dublin. Why would he start putting the national interest first now?

Does anyone know what the FG and Labour policy is on this one or are they still the Fintan O'Toole mind set of "Private business bad/ Public sector good"?
Bertie got rid of the best civil servant.

Hi Purple,

Im sure you meant the best 'public sector manager' or even 'the best aviation sector manager'? Im not just being pedantic here. At best Civil Servants are good public administrators, this is quite different from being a good manager in the commercial sector.

I think a lot of the criticisms of Dublin Airport are exaggerated - my experiences there have been on a par with many other international airports - some better, some worse.
sorry rainyday but I have never seen the crushing at other airports that you see at dublin airport around the carousels, and the car parks at dublin airport might as well be in the next county.

I'm not sure that would be correct. If it's going to be anything like other airports with more than one terminal, it's probable that only certain airlines would be able to use the old terminal and only certain airlines allowed to use the new one. I don't think it's the airlines who get to decide this.