Networking groups


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Any one have any preferences on newtorking groups e.g. BNI etc.

I got a call from Quality Business Alliance and was wondering if anyone had dealings with them?
I was a member of BNI for some time. They are good initially but in my opinion, they have a lifespan of about 12-15 months before people get bored, people exhaust the number of business referrals etc.
I think it has been discussed before here?

BNI has been discussed before, but not the Quality Business Alliance.

I received a call yesterday, hence the posting from someone in QBA. They gave the usual speel - including a reference to BNI - in which they stated that it has a lifespa if 12 - 18 months before people move on. (Concur with Eamo).

Part of the speel was that they were given my number (as a referral and recommendation), and that I was the only one in my area of business / location that they would be contacting with a view to getting me to join their association. All very credable. However I have 4 phone lines in the company, over the rest of the morning the office got three more calls - refering to different business names, giving us the same marketing story. In all the phone calls we were told that the model was used in London and has a proven track record, yet we can find nothing on google.

The Irish website has no members on it yet, hence my query.
Just to clarify the points above.

We have recently launched in Ireland and are well established in the UK.

If you Google Quality Business / uk you will find both our websites

We have been calling numerous companies but only selecting one business type per area.

We have divided Ireland into different regions, in each region we are looking for one local partner per category ie painter,butcher,printer etc

Please feel free to visit our website for any further information.