Network of privately run Speed Safety Cameras Nov 2010: Locations & Effectiveness

Wouldn't it be cheaper just to increase road tax, or fuel tax?
This is not just a money making exercise as some will make it out to be.

It is to make people slow down and drive within the speed limits.
Here we go again.
There must be hundred of threads about this already.

It's to collect money.
Here we go again.
There must be hundred of threads about this already.

It's to collect money.

Here we go again and again and again....

I know it is to collect money, but it will also make people slow down

The standard of driving in this country is a total joke and the Gardai are simply not resourced to catch every speeding loonatic or bad driver on our roads.

Why should I as a safe driver who sticks to the limits set on the roads have to pay extra because some prat in his merc wants to hog the outside lane and drive to fast ?
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Why should I as a safe driver who sticks to the limits set on the roads have to pay extra because some prat in his merc wants to hog the outside lane and drive to fast ?

People hogging the outside lane are usually in a Corolla driving too slow
I love how the roads are colour coded into Red (cameras, slow down) and Green (no cameras, foot-to-the-floor).

Nice to know where it's safe to speed !
I heard the Conor Faughnan interview this morning.

He made a few valid points about why the AA are happy with the new system.

The experience in Britain was that speed camera were positioned to make money which rightly causes cynicism about them.

The speed cameras here have been positioned, it is claimed, in
known accident black spots where deaths have occured. The positions
are publicised.

If this is true, then anyone who speeds, and gets fined, deserves it
for being stupid.
I was as cynical as anyone who shared this view (common in the UK, with good reason). However, looking at the map, I think this is a genuine attempt to solve a real problem. I could well believe the marked roads are genuine blackspots for speed related "accidents". That, with the knowledge payment to the operators isn't linked to number of fines, plus the publicity (and the existance of the maps) would surely lead anyone to support the initiative?

Now if the maps included any of the motorways (well known to be the safest of roads, despite having the highest speeds), or some of the notorious "fish from a barrel" locations such as the N11 at UCD, then one would have to be cynical. The fact is, they don't, so I think this deserves support.
I am looking at the map, and it seems to be a "fish in the Barrel" money raising exercise. Who picked the location, the Garda or the Contractor ? whom will get a fee on each transaction.
I am very much in favour of speed camera's. to save lives, especially the 19-25's. I live in West Cork, I can not see any Camera's. This is one of the highest death rates in Europe, but no proposed camera's. The road are bad. TO SAVE LIVES, it's parts of rural Ireland, that need to have moving camera's, not Ireland's motorways

If the roads are bad in rural areas, cameras won't help because the speed limit will still be 80/100 km/hour while the safe driving speeds might be much lower. So you can dive unsafely fast and still adhere to the limit.
I could not agree more, how ever at 100 /120 on a motorway is still a lot safer than 80/100 on small rural roads. I have twice come across fatal accidents, one I actually saw happening, both were caused by speed. It will always stay with me. Yes, there is a culture of speeding in the country, and not all by young drivers
Would anyone know the following;
On the map for the traffic camera positions, it shows a long red line,which is the position of the speed camera.
On a particular road, the red line only goes half way up the road.
Does this mean that only half of the road is liable to have a camera on it?
Say for example the longmile road, if the red line just shows on half of that road,would that mean that the rest of the road has no camera on it?
I am looking at the map, and it seems to be a "fish in the Barrel" money raising exercise. Who picked the location, the Garda or the Contractor ? whom will get a fee on each transaction.

The operator of the cameras is paid a fixed fee for their services.

If you are caught speeding and fined the money goes to the national coffers, just like it always did, not to the Gardai or the operator of the cameras.
Looking at the roads selected in Galway it seems like they are selecting them based on solid criteria where a number of people have been killed over the last 2-3 years.
And as I understand it the operators are paid by the hour, not by the tickets issued.
If it was revenue generating surely you just wouldn't publish the locations that are being covered?
Great Idea
There should be more like this
Ok, more fees, more tickets but for good
Does anyone know if the map is displayed anywhere other than the Garda website? The Garda site doesn't seem to be able to cope with the amount of traffic it's getting these days.
