NERI Seminar: Some lessons from the Crisis

Brendan Burgess

NERI Seminar Series The Nevin Economic Research Institute (NERI) will hold a seminar on Wednesday 10 December 2014. The NERI seminar series aims to provide a forum for the presentation of research on topics of relevance to Irish public policy (North and South). The upcoming seminar will take the format of a detailed presentation followed by 30-40 minutes of questions and answers.

Title: Some Lessons from the Crisis: Spatial Justice, Uneven Development and Future Choices
Speakers: Gerry Kearns (Professor of Geography, Maynooth University) and David Meredith (Senior Research Officer, Teagasc)
Date: 10th December
Time: 16:00 — 17:15 (tea and coffee from 15:50)
Location: INTO Learning Centre, Parnell Square, Dublin 1

Recent economic and labour market indicators point to expansion of the economy, growth in the number of people in work and a reduction in the numbers unemployed. Worryingly, however, the measures that are currently being considered, implemented or resisted are reflective of past initiatives. This raises the concern that we are, as a society, destined to take another pro-cyclical turn on a financial cycle merry-go-round resulting in further concentration of capital, social injustices and a spatial hardening of these injustices.

There is a danger that despite the hardship and sacrifices that we ‘wasted a serious crisis’ (Rahm Emanuel). In developing these ideas, our paper provides an overview of spatial changes in the composition of the labour force and youth migration patterns. This draws attention to the presence of long run trends towards economic agglomeration within some regions, weakening of others and the ultimate futility of repeating historical initiatives in the hope that this time the outcome will somehow be different.

The seminar will draw on the presenters' recent book on the[broken link removed]

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