Nell Macafferty - very annoying



I'm watching that one Nell Macafferty on Q & A on rte.

She just spouts rubbish.

How did she ever get a profile in this country?
And how did she sustain that profile?

I am truly baffled.
Agree with the annoying thing - not sure if she has anything interesting to say as her presentation is so off-putting...
Ah, I don't know. I think Nell says things that we would all love to say but are reluctant to do so. She doesn't give a damn for anything or anyone and speaks her mind. She is a bit like Eamon Dunphy in that regard. I suppose you either like her or hate her and I find that her views on things are refreshing.
Call me old fashioned if you like but girls are meant to be girls and boys are meant to be boys. Regardless of their personality, some people just come across badly. Like an irritating accent or the inability to shut up when someone else is talking.
I actually like her. Guilty of bluffing and waffling but she makes up for it with the common sense she often speaks IMO.
She's an annoying aul bint who would be far better off in another dimension...

Totally agree. She was insisting "yous know nothing" to the rest of the panel, when clearly she had no idea herself....
Would rather take Nell's ramblings than Mary Hanifin's continous head in the sand answers to everything. She's singing from some hymn sheet only she can read.

Nell always comes across as a loose canon. But she did have some rather good points to make, if you could get by the manner they were put across. The Government did not see any of this coming.

But last night on Q&A she was just pontificating to everyone claiming she knew everything about the markets.
She was going on about how no one knows what will happen tomorrow and seh delivered it in such a way whereby this was breaking news.

As john Bowman rightly pointed out, that is the very nature of teh markets.

Basically - she reminds me of someone who will read a headline and think she knows everything and argue fully with someone else that has gone to the trouble of reading the whole article.

Even last night the panel in my mind didn't know what to make of her.
Anytime she spoke they all had some kind if grin on their faces - purely because i reckon they just did not know how to react to her.
In truth they are all probably a bit afraid of her - understandably.

It's all well and good to come acroos as someone that is not afraid to speak their mind - but you really need to be able to back that up with common sense if you are going to be that person.
Ah yes, our government ministers...full of it... common sense that is.

I'm sure they were terrified, she was in full flying form! Richard Bruton looked like he wanted to swap seats at several points!
She was actually embarrassing to watch and if she did feel that this was an opportunity to have a go at the political parties she really missed the boat. She came across as more of a pub analysist than anything else. Her casual throwaway remarks had the soundings of someone who was out of her depth on the discussion and like has been said that she had only bothered to research the headlines.
I think her admonishing regarding nobody knowing about current situation was directed at panelists attacking the Government for not taking steps to prevent the situation, she was in a way saying - how could they, they didn't see it any more than you did - anyway they are all annoying, Bruton at one time pronounced Celtic Tiger like it was a sports team, eejit!

I disagree - I thought she was basically bluffing about something she didn't have a clue of and decided to throw out soundbites that may seem ok.

She added nothing to Q & A last night. She took up the space of a more worthwhile guest.

I would seriously be surprised if she ever ended up back on that show again going by her performance last night.

Also - for some strange reason she appears full of herself.
I agree, she probably won't get another invitation very soon. I wondered in spots if she was drunk actually, though I think not.

To be fair to her though I don't think she was saying she knew it all. She was saying that noone can claim to have known. I agree with her that it's too easy for the opposition to point fingers and claim they would have done it better when they wouldn't have, because they didn't know either.

Mary Hanafin was worse. Does she really think that all the construction & assembly line workers are going to upskill for R&D!? Come on, Nell was no worse. Nell certainly gave me a laugh when she said she should have put her money on a horse than into a pension fund.

Bruton deserves the prize last night for not punching Nell every time she leaned into his personal space. I hope they do bring her back, she needs to just tone it down a bit.
Well ya - it seemed easier to have confidence with what jim power was saying as opposed to what mary hanafin was saying in their little battle.

Tha said - Mary hannafin is a politician - she is obviously just going to throw out the party line.
Mary hannafin is a politician - she is obviously just going to throw out the party line.

Which is why I would hate to see the likes of Nell McCafferty excluded from the panel. I admit that she did annoy me last night, but at least she was being honest. Too many of their guests have no expertise yet take themselves very seriously and claim to know it all.

For example, everyone jumping on the bandwagon now to bash Fas. Where were they over the last few years if/when Fas was wasting money? Brian Mooney claiming to have seen it years ago. It's all well in hindsight.
I do think Nell's commentary is as welcome as anyone elses. Perhaps if she watches it herself she'll see she over did it??