Neighbours horses ate my hedge

The cattle in the field adjoining our house ate our trees ... they have surprisingly long necks when they are hungry ... took the issue to the farmer who after much cajoling put up a stock proof fence ... I did not ask him to pay for the trees and he did not ask me to pay for the fence so I reckon we're quits.

Out of interest would your house insurance cover the damage to your hedge?
Spoke to the land owner last night and he basically said it wasn't his problem and the guy who rents the field is insured if i want to take it further(guy is a solicitor ).Then changed his tune and was all nice. Said if I wouldn't mind he might try to sell a site and if he did he would put up a new fence and trees etc.
Now do I chase the solicitor or wait for the site sale - if it ever happens
Paid well over the odds for the house - got involved in a bit of a bidding frenzy. Site up the road with restrictive zoning is going for 220K so assume the site would be at least that. Bit too pricey for privacy and not sure i could buy it anyway if it came with restrictions as i'm only a blow in to the area.
I take your point about the site price ... but if for example a prospective buyer couldn't get planning permission, the field behind you would be a field and not a site ... meaning that it would possibly be sold at agricultural rate ... maybe 10/15K? If so I would definately buy it ... what's that old saying ... buy land, they're not making any more of it.