neighbours from hell


Registered User
what can you "do" when your neighbours wont turn down there music at 4am? have rang guards, no change, have sopken to them, no change. fri sat and sun nite 3am to 6am, every weekend
Is there not a law governing noise between certain hours. You should'nt have to put up with that nonsense from them.
What do they say when you 'talk to them' ? Are they students ? Do they own the house or rent ?
Are they home owners or tenants? If tenants perhaps try and contact the LL for assistance.

I think the law says noise has to be kept to a minimum between 11pm and 7am. If there's no reasoning with them you have 3 options.

1. Call the Garda and say you think a woman is being attacked next door. They will comw asap.
2. As soon as it looks like they go to sleep blast your own music.
3. Play the worst music you can find put it on full blast and repeat and go away for the weekend.
Is [broken link removed] any help?

The guards can request the noise to be kept down but from my experience, they have no power to enforce it. You need to go through the proper channels mentioned in the Citizen's Advice article linked above.

It's a horrible thing to endure - good luck with it!
You have the option (and this is open to correction) to apply for a noise abatement order. For this to be successful you will need to present records of times and dates etc. of the noise which may include recordings. Your neighbours doing same will strengthen your position. If the order is successful the neighbour can then be prosecuted if they breach the order.

The Garda are powerless to do anything without this.

This happened to a friend in Wales (I believe the process is similar) and the neighbours stopped the noise. If the neighbour is not the owner the owner will be prosecuted.
Have these people never heard of nightclubs?

Easiest solution might be to move house.
when they go off to sleep - which will prob be the time you head to work then put on some anti-music really loud - such as Big Tom, Daniel O'Donnell, Richie Kavanagh etc.

(only kidding of course - but a really nice thought all the same!)
1. Call the Garda and say you think a woman is being attacked next door. They will comw asap.

Probaly not the best suggestion. You can apply for a court order taken through the District Court under Noise Regulations to have this sorted out. You can apply yourself, without the need of a solicitor. Keep a log of incidences of this beforehand.

These are terrible suggestions!!!!
1: Wasting Guards time.
2: Doing that will only upset more neighbours
3: Again, doing that will only aggravate the situation.

Best suggestion is to use the proper channels - district court.

Or some plain talking, what is their reaction to you talking to them about it?
What do they say when you 'talk to them' ? Are they students ? Do they own the house or rent ?

at first they said sorry, it will be turned down, which it wasnt. at this stage am looking for an effective way of dealing with this, all other options are a waste of time
Ninsaga if my neighbours were putting on that music it would be a treat !!!!! Thing is I'm being serious and giving my age away !!
i know someone who had this problem one night he knocked on the door, barged in, pulled the cd player out of the wall and threw it on the ground, then walked back out the door and to bed. never had a problem again haha.

the guards are useless. they dont do anything. i remember reading a story once. a man called the police and said 2 men were breaking into his shed she said im sorry sir there is no one in your area i will get someone as soon as possible. so 5 mins later he called her back and said its ok now i dealth with it myself i went out and shot them both. within 2 mins there was police cars everywhere. one of the cops said i thought you said you shot them and he said well i thought you said there was no one in the area. thought was very good story.

try and get the contact details from the prtb if the tenants rent the property. we are in the middle of taking a private nusance against the landlord of a property he lets out. noise has been non stop for a year! just about every feckin night. both landlord and tenants have ignored a court order demanding that the noise stops! suing is the best option imo. btw the guards are bloody usless if/when they call over they dont understand why your angry when you have been kept up at all hours. keeping logs is a must and neighbours confirming that they heard noise to will help.
I had a similar problem recently - tenants next door playing loud music, slamming doors, etc.

As mentioned by other posters, the Gardai have no powers in this area. Theoretically, the County Council has a responsibility, but when you contact them directly, they will maintain that they don't in the realm of domestic cases (only commercial noise cases).

Basically, you have to tak the neighbours/landlord to court, or at least start down that route in the hope that the noise will be ceased before it gets to that stage.

If the house is rented, find out who the landlord is (ask around / write to the PRTB outlining your situation / talk to a friendly guard). Find out the names of the tennants themselves. Send a registered letter to the lanlord and / or the tenants, outlining your concerns, with times/dates and descriptions of what was going on and, importantly, the disturbance it caused you. Also hand deliver the letter to your neighbours and keep a record of this delivery (registered letters are sometimes not picked up by the addressees). State that you have begun court action in respect of the noise and quote the relevant legislation.

Contact the District Court and get all the forms ready to go and proceed with the case if things get no better. In the meantime, build up as much evidence as you can (video / audio recordings will be accepted as far as I know). While all this is going on (this might sound a bit strange), try to keep up civil relations with the neighbours (as in: "I've nothing against you, but I just have to look after myself, sorry to have to do this.") Having real conflict with the neighbours on top of the noise won't do your stress levels any good.

We did all the above and, as soon as we managed to find the landlord and the letters went to him, it put the frighteners up him and he got rid of the tenants.

Sympathies to you on your situation, it's an awful situation to be in. Best of luck with it.