Neighbours building house in their garden!


Registered User
The neighbours opposite us have a largish corner site and we just noticed that they have applied for planning permission to knock down side garage and build a new house in their garden. This will leave us somewhat overlooked and lead to a bulid up in what was a nicely open 45 year old estate. Anybody else out there had to deal with this problem or any views on what, if any, steps we can take?
You can start by objecting - your city council should help. I have heard of peoples objections being quiet successful in the past.
This is happening all the time.
You are unlikely to be successful in objecting to planning permission for another house across the road, which is the same size and height as the rest of the road.
The coCo will have density guidleines for the area and another house on your road is unlikely to break them.

You should check the application to see if you have any grounds for objection.