neighbour with binoculars

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Would you be concerned if you noticed a pair of binoculars on an upstairs windowsill of the house backing onto your back garden? I live in a housing estate with millions of houses, I don't know what they could be looking at.

He/she could have just left them there.

It could be a child looking at things in the garden.

Unless you have any particular concerns about the neighbour this sounds slightly neurotic.
I don't think its neurotic..
If I or my kids were in garden I wouldn't fancy the thought of someone peering through a pair of binoculars at us.. that's creepy.
It may very well be something harmless, but if I were you I'd keep a close eye on who's using them...when ..where and what for.
Your mind won't rest untill you know for sure.
It may very well be something harmless, but if I were you I'd keep a close eye on who's using them...when ..where and what for.
Way OTT & very paranoid in my opinion.
They are 100s of innocent explainations & only 1 suspicious one.
Would you be concerned if you noticed a pair of binoculars on an upstairs windowsill of the house backing onto your back garden?... .
Why were you gawking into your neighbour's upstairs room?
Maybe your neighbour is using the binoculars to try and identify the people staring into the back of their house.
Would you be concerned if you noticed a pair of binoculars on an upstairs windowsill of the house backing onto your back garden? I live in a housing estate with millions of houses, I don't know what they could be looking at.

I am wondering how you could see the binoculars, I couldnt recognise an item on my neighbours windowsill without using binoculars lol!
Would you be concerned if you noticed a pair of binoculars on an upstairs windowsill of the house backing onto your back garden? I live in a housing estate with millions of houses, I don't know what they could be looking at.

I would be worried that I had little else to worry about except paranoia..
Think the neighbour should be worried someone is looking into their bedroom.
Isn't that what curtains and blinds are for. If you are that worried just close them.
I know it sounds really paranoid but . . . . there are pervs around you know. The house backs directly on to mine so the binocs are pretty obvious in the windowsill upstairs.
I know it sounds really paranoid but . . . . there are pervs around you know. The house backs directly on to mine so the binocs are pretty obvious in the windowsill upstairs.

And if they do belong to a peeping Tom, or indeed a peeping Thomasina, does it not seem unlikely that they would advertise their deviant behaviour by leaving the binoculars on display.

I would be far more concerned about all those houses where you can't see binoculars. The people who conceal their binoculars are the ones you need to worry about............
I know it sounds really paranoid but . . . . there are pervs around you know. The house backs directly on to mine so the binocs are pretty obvious in the windowsill upstairs.

You're probably only 15 or 20 paces away from your neighbour so he's unlikely to need binoculars for the purpose of watching you !
I agree with most of whats been said, if you live close enough so that you can clearly see a pair of binoculars on their windowsill, then I doubt they need them to see into your garden or bedroom. Then could just look out the window just like you have done.

By you prying into your neighbours house and questioning the items they have in their house are you not doing exactly the same thing you are suspecting your neighbour of doing i.e. looking into your house and garden and being noisey and curious.

Alot of people own binocluars, your reaction is a bit OTT n my opinion.
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