Neighbour throwing fag butts into garden!


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This weekend I was sitting in my living room and saw a fag butt come over the wall into my garden. It was still smouldering and as I went out into the garden I saw someone walking into the neighbours house whilst exhaling their last drag. To say I was furious is an understatement. I immediately picked up the offending fag end and sent it back to where it came from.

I had previously found the odd fag butt in the garden but never knew where they came from. I had presumed they were dropped by the birds or suchlike (how naiive!). I would never have thought that some ignoramus would consider it acceptable to throw their fag ends into someone elses garden.

I had to be restrained by Mrs G from going next door and reading the riot act. What do you think, was I over-reacting ?
we has a similar thing, the kids in the house were smoking and had to conceal the evidence - do you know who in the house is doing it? i.e adult or child. I would definitely say something, if they persist then start lobbing old teabags over the wall.
Save them up until you've about 50 or 100 of them, then drop them (loose) through their letterbox with a note saying 'you'll be wanting these back, I expect'.
Is this actually an offence (I'm sure it should be), but just curious.

Can someone be charged with littering on private property?
Consider yourself lucky. Visitors to our new neighbours are urinating at the front wall of the house they are staying in. It is along a public road. i think I will have to get the camera out.
we has a similar thing, the kids in the house were smoking and had to conceal the evidence - do you know who in the house is doing it? i.e adult or child. I would definitely say something, if they persist then start lobbing old teabags over the wall.

It is an adult that is doing it - well to be precise, it was an adult who I witnessed doing it. I'm presuming it is the same offender each time.

It really does bother me how smokers don't deem their fag ends to be litter.... a little off the point but a friend of mine was fined by the litter warden for throwing a cigarette butt out of his car window, his number plate was noted and the fine duly arrived. He was so indignant at the litter warden having the cheek to levy a fine for only throwing a cigarette. I think this attitude might be prevalent amongst smokers - or am I being unfair ?
I think this attitude might be prevalent amongst smokers - or am I being unfair ?
It has long been my view that the vast majority of littering in general is done by smokers and the children of smokers.
I am sure you will be looking for somewhere to send those awful/snails and slugs that will be eating your plants this summer?. Treat them to a nice holiday. A tennis racket can come in useful as a budget airline.
Fag butts are the least of our problems - we've found broken glass tumblers and empty bottles in our garden. Got them red handed on Friday night as I was doing a bit of work in the shed and chucked it right back over with a few choice words.

I am not sure where it lies legally, but I am not willing to be easy going about this as these particular neighbours create an awful racket each evening (kids band practice, dad a karioke fan, all ignorant of their neighbours annoyance, despite much shouting), I know what legal protection we have for noise (i.e. none), but litter might be different?
Forget litter, if a beer bottle comes over while you're in the garden, try going after them for assault.