Neighbour parking across my drive


Registered User
I live in an state where parking is at a premium. There is enough room in each drive for 2 cars but my next-door neighbour has 3 cars (rented property etc etc)

Usually this is not a problem as they can park the 3rd car in the space outside the house at the kerb.

However, sometimes if this space is taken then they just park the 3rd car across their drive which also blocks half of my drive and makes it very difficult for me to get my car in or out of my drive.

I have asked them a few times not to do this and for a while it's fine but at this stage I'm sick of having to knock at next door's house just so I can move my car out of my drive.

Is this a legal matter - can I contact the Gardai and refer the matter to them or is it a civil matter?
This happened to me some years ago. In the end I let it be known, subtly, that I knew they were scamming SW. They never did it again. May not always be appropriate or even wise obviously depending on individuals/circumstances.