Neighbour has got ugly shack in the back garden


Registered User
I just want to know something about people putting those Metal shack in their garden to rent out to make extra monies.

1) is it legal to do so ?
2) doesn't it requires planning permission?
3) Does it reduce the value of my property as it's next door neighbour and it's windows sort of open towards my garden?
4) Do I need to inform council about this ?

Please let me know

Happy Xmas to all....

Hi Dubliner,

If it is a moveable structure it doesn't need planning as far as I know. About 2 years ago a neighbour of mine put up a tall ugly shed which is very visible from our house our kitchen and sunroom look straight out to it. They never spoke to us before putting it up - but when we were building our sunroom we phoned them to tell them exactly what we were doing and kept them informed. They did move it slightly when asked and we are still on speaking terms. Maybe approach them and see reaction.
Do you mean something like those Yardmaster metal sheds? I think that most or all of these may be exempt from PP. However if they are running some sort of commercial operation from it then that could be subject to PP. Probably best to ask your local authority?
Well, its kinda Mobile house with bedroom,kitchen,livingroom.Neighbour has plans to rent out the space to students. It's just looks ugly and it looks striaght into our kitchen now and into garden.
They didn't even bother to ask me before putting it in. do I have got legal rights to complain??
Well, its kinda Mobile house with bedroom,kitchen,livingroom.Neighbour has plans to rent out the space to students.
I don't think that you can just slap up an oul shed and rent it out like this. Are you sure that they didn't get some sort of (planning) permission to do this? If it is really bothering you then contact your local authority and ask them about it.
There's a general perception that you can put up a temporary/wooden structure in your back garden without planning permission (eg garden shed/'shomera' offices.)

But there was a story in the newspapers recently where a guy got separated, bought out his wife, couldn't afford the mortgage, rented out the house to strangers, & then 'lived' in the super-duper 'shed' while he rented out the house.

But the council ordered him to pull it down because he lived in it.

I'm not a lawyer/expert but I guess if it's a temporary structure like a shed or a 9-5 office, then you're ok. But if it's accomodation (toilets/showers etc), then it needs planning permission.
i'm sure it's not ok to have a dwelling in your backyard for the purpose of live-in.
my nieghbour and I have been knocked back for PP but that was for permanent dwellings
Just look up the planning regulations for you local Co Co. There are from DLR's and are much the same for the country :

8.Can I build a garden shed on my property without permission?

Yes, provided that:
1. It is not forward of the front wall of the house.
2. Not greater than 25sqm (or no. of sheds aggregated)
3. 25sqm of garden space is left. N.B. extensions attached to house are not reckoned as private open space.
4. Shed finish is in keeping with the house.
5. Shed height: max 4m pitched roof; 3m flat roof.
6. It is not lived in or used for keeping of animals (pigs, ponies, horses, pigeons).
(Page 156 - 157, Class 3)

(oops, sorry about the caps...)
It makes no difference if the structure is temporary or not, thats an urban myth....
This i sobviously not being used as a 'garden shed' so it is ian illegal development and you local authority should be notified.
These things are called the Irish for bedrooms (Seomra?) it was asked here on AAM before. It's a metal structure that has all the rooms/windows of a house. They require planning permission but in general anyone can put up a garden shed.
Well, I would check with Local County Council. I really feel like complaining but if it's illegal and can devalue my property if I plan to resell soon. Just can't help it.

It would be sure to be used as accomodation for students and make few bobs..
Would you not have to connect plumbing and electricity in order to rent it out? People are hardly gonna sleep in a cold shed like structure with no electricity?
Development which involves provision of an additional dwelling, or even subdivision of a dwelling into two or more dwellings, is not exempt from the requirement to obtain planning permission. Even a caravan can only be stored for not more than 9 months of the year without planning permission and can not be occupied as a dwelling.

I suggest you contact the planning enforcement officer in the relevant local authority, and write a formal complaint.

It might be worth while if you can include some evidence that it is being used for the purposes of a dwelling/rented accommodation... as a shed is exempt from requiring planning permission (under a certain floor area).