Neighbour gone away-Cat starving: What would you do?

i had to spend five days in a hospital recently and my cat reportedly wasn't his lively and happy himself though he was spoiled by my partner and my mum endlessly during that time
OMG!!!! Hopefully Kitty has recovered fully from the trauma of seperation. Oh and BTW, how are you after your stay in hospital?
OMG!!!! Hopefully Kitty has recovered fully from the trauma of seperation. Oh and BTW, how are you after your stay in hospital?

well, he did, with plenty of ham to help him overcome his depression - ham is cat's prozac , though my mum made a mistake of offering him a cooked chicken skin once instead
well, busier than ever after the hospital stay as i brought my little baby daughter home with me
Congratulations. I hope everything went well and everyone is doing well (no need to ask about Kitty obviously).
well, he did, with plenty of ham to help him overcome his depression - ham is cat's prozac

Ham is the one meat that I won't give to our cat - all that salt can't be good for them.

Interesting, ours go mad for ham. In fact even say the "h-a-m" word and a normally comatose kitteh will immediately spring to life and head for the fridge. As an occasional treat the salt content is, so I've read, within acceptable guidelines but it should certainly not become part of their normal diet. The problem with salt is cats love it, also why they seem to love but should never be given crisps.
- eventually she got her head around the fact that I was going anywhere and grudgingly accepts me in the house now!

Would you believe it?? got home last night and cat had been killed on the road! - Gutted
Would you believe it?? got home last night and cat had been killed on the road! - Gutted

Ney thats terrible, sorry to hear it.

We originally had 3 but lost one of ours same way a few years ago, a big silky black tom called Salem.
When our cat died last year we buried it in the back garden. I'm kind of regretting it now as I have to step around the area when I am doing a bit of gardening. I was also unsure as to how deep I should have dug the hole? Anybody else any thoughts on this?
Ham is the one meat that I won't give to our cat - all that salt can't be good for them.

try explaining that to any cat
it's a special treat for him and he only gets high quality granules otherwise so that surely balances it - don't tell me you deny yourself the occasional treat

The one we lost is in garden too under big tree. As I recall I went down about 2-2.5 feet. Would always be conscious of clearing or digging around there. A small shrub or plant like fuchsia immediately over the area might help, or if you don't want to dig would a suitable potted shrub over the area blend in maybe. It marks the area and keeps you away from it.
Thanks guys - We lost our first cat a few months ago on the same road but I never thought this cat would get hit - she's so jumpy and nervous that she rarely leaves the garden. Couldn't believe it when I saw her on the road last night. She's buried out with the other cat in the garden, we just put patio slabs over the two sites in case of dogs digging etc. As with the other cat just hit by car and left there; I always get a bit annoyed about that. I wouldn't just hit an animal and drive away but we do live in a farming community so they don't quite understand the 'pet' bond that we have.

Sorry to hear about the loss of the kitty, ney.

I lost my dear mog last summer aged 10, I had him cremated and returned to me in a wooden container (book with sleeping cat on top). He now sits proudly on the sideboard, something he wasn't allowed do when he was alive!!

Graham07, my mog not only loved ham, not only responded to the word "ham" by walking to the fridge, but could actually say the word himself - he amazed a friend of mine one afternoon by walking to the fridge and calling for "ham"!!
That's terrible news Ney.
Often non-cat people don't realise how attached people become to their cats.

If you decide to get another cat, consider installing cat fence. It worked for us, even though I had my doubts.
Graham07, my mog not only loved ham, not only responded to the word "ham" by walking to the fridge, but could actually say the word himself - he amazed a friend of mine one afternoon by walking to the fridge and calling for "ham"!!

I think I can relate to that alright. Mind you one of our two has a thing for pizza crusts, gets them in between paws and gnaws them to bits. I wonder if there is a bit of labrador in there somewhere.

Just wondering does anyone else's moggie have unusual tastes ?
Graham07, my mog not only loved ham, not only responded to the word "ham" by walking to the fridge, but could actually say the word himself - he amazed a friend of mine one afternoon by walking to the fridge and calling for "ham"!!

Hang on - are you actually saying that your cat could TALK?