Negligent Solictitor?


Registered User
In 1999 I retained a firm of solicitors to represent my interests in the purchase of an investment property. It was my first experience of this apart from the purchase of my house so I wasn't familiar with the procedures involved. This solicitor I dealt with at the time seemed a bit uninterested, however I guess I was intimidated because of my ignorance plus he was a highly paid professional. Anyway I paid all I was asked to pay, signed everything I was asked to sign and left it at that. A short while after this I wanted some paperwork regarding the property, site maps etc. so I rang and asked to have it sent to me, however after 25 phone calls (no exageration) I eventually had to take time off work to go into the office to collect them myself. At this stage I decided never again to use this firm.
Fast forward to 2005 and I have decided to sell my investment, so I retained another firm of solicitors. This solicitor has told me that I have been left "in a royal mess", my previous firm never closed the deal for me, never had the contracts signed by the vendor, never registered me as the owner of the property etc. even though I paid all relevant charges including of course my previous solicitors not inconsiderable fee. This has now dragged on for three months and I risk losing my prospective buyer. My old firm still won't return my calls.
My current solicitor, whom I am very happy with, is relucent to talk about what recourse I have untill it is all sorted and is dealing with it from his end. I starting to wonder is he protecting a "colleague" instead of looking after my interests.
I appologise for the length of this post, however it has been theraputic to write it all down, and I would appreciate any replies regarding advice on my legal recouse regarding this whole episode.

Thanks for reading
In relation to the original solicitor have you (a) put your complaints in writing to them and (b) if you didn't get any satisfactory explanation or redress have you put your complaints in writing to the Law Society? When you say that the current solicitor is reluctant to discuss the matter and what possible means of redress you might have what exactly have they said in answer to your questions about this? Perhaps they consider this a separate case from the current conveyancing issue and want/need you to deal with it separately? Or maybe they need assistance from the original solicitor to sort out the mess now and don't feel it prudent to pursue a complaint or legal action in relation to possible negligence just yet?

Thanks clubman for your prompt reply.

I wrote to my previous solicitor on the 30th September outlining my complaints and threatening them with the Law Society yet recieved no reply. I since rang them and they brushed me off with the senior partners legal secretary telling me that the original solicitor who dealt with me has since left the company and they are still trying to tidy up after him.
I suspect you are right about my current solicitor biding his time regarding my situation and doesn't feel its prudent to pursue a legal action just yet. However would I have a case if I lose money because of all this and what about the fees I paid originally for an incomplete job?
Tell your new solicitors to sue them and write to the law society as well outlining what has happened. You paid that firm in good faith that everything was completed and it has come to light now that he was a total incompetent and because of his/her negligent you are now in a big quandary.

Please name that firm here so as nobody else will contemplate using them!
royrogers said:
Please name that firm here so as nobody else will contemplate using them!

In order to protect yourself and any possible legal action that you may be involved it I would advise that you would not under any circumstances name the firm here.
In fact I would sugest that you review your earlier posts in case there is any possibility that it may effect you.

Review in what way? I have not identified the firm or solicitor, and been honest in everything I posted, how could this affect me?
I thought was a forum where I could seek advice in an anonymous fashion or is there something more I should know.

I presume that Jem is just trying to be helpful in pointing out that there is always a possibility that posting information about your case here could jeopardise any future claim that you might make in relation to this case. Based on what you've posted I don't think so myself in this case but when it comes to legal issues circumspection is a good idea.
Point taken clubman, guess this whole thing is making me a little paranoid.