Need transport between Malaga and Calais?



We've got two mini buses, each with places for up to 8 passengers and are organizing a road trip between Malaga and Calais. In Calais you can take the ferry to take you back home.

Anyone who is stuck either in Malaga or in Calais is welcome to come on board. We'll leave from Malaga on Thursday morning 22 of April, 09:00 and expect to be in Calais on Friday 23rd.

If you want to travel from Calais to Malaga, you are welcome to join the ride as well! On Saturday we'll drive back from Calais to Malaga and will be arriving in Malaga in Sunday.

The vehicles will be driven by experienced, non-smoking drivers and are in mint condition.

Limited seats. Please give us a ring to reserve:
0034 - 629380460

No volcano is going to stop you! :)