Need to sell(negative equity)


Registered User
Need advice if possible relating to my property which i no longer want.Due to personal changes in life etc i have rented out my small property for the last 6 months which is only worth about 60.000,if sold leaving me with negative equity of about 30,000.,i have no arrears and work full time.I am currently rent another property where i am very happy in and i just now want rid of my own as i no longer want it.What would my options be,i am more than happy if possible to pay back negative equity by loan if allowed.
Could someone tell me my best and fastest option to get rid of property.
Thanks for your prop reply,but i am not having any problems paying mogage etc.All am looking what is the fastest method to get rid of house,as i said am more than happy to pay negative equity of by loan if allowed.
I don,t really intend to nedd a mogage again at a later date
As I said, if you want a comprehensive answer, give comprehensive information e.g. that you won't want a mortgage again.

.All am looking what is the fastest method to get rid of house,

Have you spoken to your lender? Have you asked them to allow you to sell etc.

Are you able to borrow 30K and repay it, as a normal loan. At a lower term and higher interest rate than your mortgage.

Would you be able to over pay the mortgage and get down the NE and then sell.