Need to get off the sw merri-go-round!!



Sorry for the big post.Would really appreciate some advice.
We have been on jsa for the past 17 months since my husbands construction business went bust and i cannot get work, i was pregnant when this all happened and basically had no job to go back to afterwards. We have two little girls and a huge mortgage, we've already sold the family car and have been in touch with mabs who have been fantastic and we have set up small loan repayments until our financial situation improves. Also our mortgage company have been great and have given us support and advice throughout the whole horrible past year.
Thing is we cant sit tight anymore and hope for the construction industry to improve so he wants to set up a carpentry business again and just try it from a different angle on his own, he had a business partner the last time but he wants a fresh start. I also want to go for it and start up a budget bridal planning business as we got married on a very small budget after we had to cancel our own wedding.

We are ready to do this and go for it, but we are scared! What if What if!! This post will be deleted if not edited immediately if we lost our jsa we would be out on the street because we have only just started paying our mortgage again and getting on track again with the household bills. Ya see this is the social welfare dependent trap and we can see it staring us in the face, if we jump ship will we sink??

I have been to the welfare officer who was very helpful (but busy)and explained to us about help with our mortgage and the back to work enterprise scheme, like i said she was extremely busy and i just didnt bother throwing a load of questions at her.
Has anyone done this? Can you go straight from being on jsa to back to work enterprise? Can you do this in construction? We would do the "start your own business course' i know he had a business already but this fresh start would mean additional education for both of us. Or is it like most things you see a light at the end of the tunnel and there is some hurdle that dis qualifies you??? Did you get a grant to help start??

Until we get to meet with the advisor to discuss starting the business, how long do you have to wait for the supplementary welfare to come threw? Sorry for all the questions i would have asked her but like i said i felt i had to take the forms and go read them which i have done but im a wee bit confused.

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