Need Suggestions for a gift, please...


Registered User
Hi all...

One of the members of a voluntary organisation I'm a member of is leaving Ireland soon to return home to his native Italy...

He has been one of the nicest, most reliable, and most obliging members we've ever had... He'll be very sadly missed...

We want to buy him a little present to say goodbye and thank you... As I'm a middle aged woman, I haven't a clue what a young man would be interested in... I need some ideas, please...

He's a (very handsome) young man in his late twenties... We were thinking of something that is Irish, something he'll have for a while, but we don't want anything green and tacky (Someone suggested (in all seriousness that we buy him a leprechaun ornament)... We drew the line at that!...

Suggestions very welcome, please!... Sorry, meant to say that the budget is around €100...

Thanks everyone...

What about a history of Ireland ring? You can get them in the jewellers at the bottom of Grafton st. Cant think of the name. They are silver rings and while they are Irish, they are not in your face or tacky.
An AT Cross Pen? Not strictly Irish although they were manufactured for many years in Ballinasloe, Co Galway.
Has he enjoyed any Irish music since he's been here - CDs?
Do you have any photos of places he visited that you could get nicely framed?
Or an Irish print framed from the National Gallery. There's a great exhibition of Harry Clarke illustrations on there at the moment that make lovely prints.
If he drinks - pewter goblets or a tanker. I've seen some that aren't tacky in House of Ireland.
I wouldn't go with jewellery myself, it's a very personal thing so easy to get wrong.
If he reads you could get him a really nice book signed by everyone he worked with.
Hi all...

Sorry to have taken so long to get back to you all...

We eventually went with Guinness Cufflinks (Limited Edition to celebrate 250yrs of Guinness),... Well, we got him slightly 'interested' in the product while he was here!... Got him a Guinness Tucan Bottle Opener too... Well, there's no point in having Guinness and not be able to open it!...

Thanks all...

Much appreciate your help!...

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