Need recommendation for family therapist in Galway


Registered User
Has anyone used a family therapist in or around Galway they would recommend? If so, could I have details please?
What is a family therapist? What sort of therapy are you referring to?

Don't forget:
What is a family therapist? What sort of therapy are you referring to?

Don't forget:

It's counseling for couples/families. The OP's local PHN or GP would be able to give her details of a family therapist in her area.
Some former Health Boards offer this (free) as part of their mental health services, a phone call to the HSE should be the way to go with this. Also Psychotherapy Ireland ( the governing body for psychotherapists) keeps a register of all accredited counsellors/therapist and they have their own website whcih is searchable by area or by speciality and includes registered Family Therapists. You can get onto the Irish Psychotherapy website by Googling this
Good luck