Need help to choose a phone, any handset, which one?


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Without going into too much detail, I have been offered a free handset of choice by my network. A great dilemma but a dilemma all the same - which one.

I currently have a Galaxy S1 and love it..the only thing it's missing is a flash for the camera. I like Apple stuff too, loved my itouch so as far as I can see the choice is between the Galaxy S2 and the iPhone4S..but which one? Or is there something else I should be looking at. Considered the Lumia but have had negative feedback from a friend who has one.
PC Pro A-List hardware is usually hard to argue with. They say that the Samsung Galaxy S ii is currently the best smartphone. Review here. The transition from your current phone would be painless too.
Thanks - that's what I've opted for, won't get it til next week though. Looks like I can get a good price from envirofone for my old handset too do I'm pretty happy.