I currently have the following split in an old UK pension pot, which I can no longer contribute to but can still tweak the asset allocation, which was initially a 60:40 split:
£7,322.60 - Global Equity Fund (2813.1406 units)
£4,327.80 - Global Bond Fund (3913.0220 units)
This is currently drifted to a 63:37 split, and I want to rebalance this back to a 60:40 split, which should be:
£6990.24 - Global Equity Fund
£4,660.16 - Global Bond Fund
How do I calculate the percentage of units to be disinvested from the Global Equity Fund to rebalance the asset allocation to a 60:40 split? If someone can explain how to do this, I will then try to create an Excel spreadsheet to help me with this in future. I check the allocation every quarter and would only re-balance once it drifts 3% or greater, which tends to be only once every year or so.