Need advice re Siting of gas boiler flue


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I live in a mid terrace house and one of my neighbour is building a kitchen extension to the back of their house. They discussed this with me before work started and I gave my consent for the boundary wall being removed until the build is completed as the wall of the extension will be appox 1 foot from the boundary. So far so good. However, I came home from work today to see that there is a hole in their new extension wall which I assume will be for the gas boiler flue and any fumes will be expelled directly into my garden - should I be concerned about this?:confused:
This is unacceptable. Can't find the Irish regs that deal with this, but have the British one and in my experiance, the two are very similar.

BS 5440-1 It is recommended that the fanned flue terminal
Should be positioned as follows:
a) At least 2m from an opening in the building directly
opposite, and
b) so that the products of combustion are not directly
directed to discharge across a boundary."

Found this in I.S 813: 2002 ( Irish domestic gas installation reg)
11.8.1 A terminal shall be located in such a position the products of combustion do not cause discomfort to passers-by.

A little vauge. Check out the building regs to get a similar one to the british reg. See Doc J (i think).

The law may be with you but it's not enforced. If your neighbour has got a new boiler it will be a condenser, they emit a plume (steam/fog like) that will be constant.

Your best bet is to ask your neighbour nicely, can they stick an elbow on the flue and run a vertical pipe to take it over the eves of the single story,(This will depend on boiler make/model)