Need Advice on how to sell my Paintings


Registered User
I have painted several oil paintings of local landscapes. They are very nicely framed and I have contacted a few local shops to see if they would be interested in selling them for me.

They are keen to sell them, but I am wondering how to charge. Would I give them to the shops on a "sale or return" basis or should I ask the shops to pay me upfront, enough to cover my costs and make a profit ?

If I ask for payment up front, I'm afraid this will deter the retailers. On the other hand, if I give them on a "sale or return" basis, what happens if the paintings get damaged or stolen?

Are there other options I should be considering?

Many thanks.
Usually you would leave them in places on sale or return and if they were stolen/damaged it would be claimed off the businesses insurance.

You should also consider contacting local galleries, restaurants and cafes, theatres, libaries to display them (for sale).
Even for the most well established artists, it would be very rare to get paid up front.

It's very difficult to price art. Are you trying to make a living? Or are your trying to get recognition? They are not necessarily the same thing or exclusive.

The retailer would expect to retain around 50% of the sales price.

If you do up a long legal contract imposing obligations on the retailer, they will just not show your work. You have to accept the risk that some work may be damaged. There is another question on askaboutmoney where an artist supplied paintings on a sale or return basis. No paintings were sold, but when the artist went to collect the paintings one was missing.

Why not try joining a local artists group.? One in my area hires a room in a hotel a couple of times a year and exhibit/sell their paintings
Thanks for the advice and ideas.

I would eventually like to make a living from painting, but in the meantime yes I am looking for recognition and a means to supplement my low income.

Joining an exhibition of local artists sounds like a good idea. But for shops it seems it will have to be on a sale or return basis.
What about setting up a website with your work on it. Or you could do this with a few other local artists to spread the expense.
Best of luck.
There are many websites already which showcase Irish art from many artists. You could join one of them as it will attract more visitors.

It's sale or return as far as art is concerned in most shops. Have you tried selling on Etsy? It's like Ebay but for crafters/artists.
I'm not allowed to post the link because I havent enough posts.
So google it an set up an account
Best of luck and I hope you do well
Thanks, I have looked up some of the websites mentioned, which led me local craft fairs. As my paintings are of local scenes, I think the craft fairs would be a good place to start and I wouldn't have to charge shop prices. It would also give me a good indication of which paintings sell the best (or at all!).

I will also look into joining some of the websites for Irish art especially for landscapes.

Many thanks again Brendan and all.
Just a piece of information for you,
You cant just go along and hang your paintings on St Stephens green railings,There is a two year waiting list..but you probably knew that.

I do a lot of art myself, and if you go into Francis street in Dublin,(not sure where you are from) you will see many galleries, maybe try them.

There is no way a retailer would pay are lucky that they are even considering giving you some space.

I don't mean to dishearten you,but again if you go to the gallery's and Stephens green and stand around for an hour or two ,you will see that very very few are actually sold these days.

I know some amazing artists and they have done,oil on canvas of say the local pub and then approached the pub about purchasing it,even at that its a difficult sell.
This is no reflection on the art,but a sign of the times.

Brendan and yourself should look at a website called its really good,with great advice about selling ,pricing placing etc..
They will even critique your art.Well other artists on the site will.
I must say I thought I was ok until I say some of the amazing art on this site,but then again,I often have my spirits uplifted when I see a lot of bad art.So its good for us to see how others do things..I just love it..
Best of luck
Make sure you price the paintings properly and don't underprice - I have a friend in the Art business who told me most galleries take a third of the total price. That's still extortionate considering they're only offering a place to display them. Smaller places are usually better to deal with. Cafes, small hotels etc. Look out for exhibitions in your area.
I have given some of the paintings to a local shop and some to a visitors centre on a "sale or return" basis with the prices I want for each painting (if sold). The retailer can charge whatever they want on top of that.

I am also watching out for local craft fairs and exhibitions. I don't think I'll bother with art galleries at this point.