Need advice on holidays havig signed up for Dublin City Marathon


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Hi. I am in a small predicament so any suggestions are welcome.

I decided to finally go for the Dublin City Marathon (first time) in the end of October as my training is going quite well this year. But though I had nothing booked, I had planned on going to Lake Bled (Slovenia) in September. Now, between races etc I can only go at the end of September when my training is upping a level and the weather there may be a bit iffy? I was initially thinking this would still work as I could jog around the lake but now am reconsidering and thinking I should leave my holiday until November as I could not really chill out and would probably annoy himself trying to plan my runs etc. I do like my few drinks and lets face it a holiday is a holiday. But maybe it would still work:confused:

But if not this leads me to another question - where can I go thats warm yet there is a bit to see in November. I am not a 'lie on the beach' person and like seeing things - hence the attraction to Slovenia this year.

Would appreciate any thoughts from:
- people who have been in Slovenia at that time of year
- runners who can give guidance on running preparation who could let me know if it is a bad idea to go on holidays before the marathon
- anyone who may have suggestions for a warm November holiday for a week if that is the best option

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated:confused:
If you have an 18 or 20 mile LSR planned for the time you are in Slovenia then it would not be a good idea. You will be shattered after it and all you will want to do is lie on the couch, eat, watch telly and preferably not even speak to the other half. Sight seeing will be a no no, even going out for drinks would not be recommended, you'll be hammered after a couple of glasses.

November - Sharm in Egypt - not much to do in the locality save snorkelling though.
Thanks Norfbank
I just see there that I'm in the wrong forum but anyhow!
I have it planned that my long run would be 13 miles that week and 6 miles must other days which wouldn't be too bad but you are probably right, it could ruin the only week away we have all year and thats not fair on himself either. I am just desperate in that I get my heart set on going somewhere and its hard to get away from it. Slovenia looks fab. Is Sharm near the Pyramids - always wanted to see them!
If you have been training consistently a week off could be just what you need so maybe just go on holiday but don't bring the schedule with you, do a few miles a day just to keep the fitness up but don't beat yourself up about having to get the miles in.

I know that sounds counter intuitive but trust me, you have the miles in your legs by now - most people usually miss a week through injury anyway!

Re Sharm : Think it's about an hour from Cairo by plane.

If a mod can move please
If you have been training consistently a week off could be just what you need so maybe just go on holiday but don't bring the schedule with you, do a few miles a day just to keep the fitness up but don't beat yourself up about having to get the miles in.

That sounds like good advice to me. Go away, enjoy the holiday, do a small bit of training to keep ticking over and have a few drinks without overdoing it.

You will probably come back refreshed and with relatively little harm done to your overall level of preparedness (?) for the marathon.

I ran the Dublin City Marathon three times (many moons ago) and I know how easy it is to get obsessed with sticking to a training schedule. If you've been doing the work up till now, the holiday won't ruin anything.
Ive done over a 100 marathons and have on occasions gone on hols 2 weeks before to do the tapering bit in fine weather. thats works out grand but you need to not overdo the alcohol bit!
South of france is climatically ideal that time of year around cote de zur say in Nice area for example where there are good running tracts. After the marathon is still ok there, but weather less dependable. Good luck and dont overdo the training!
Thanks for all your suggestions
Thinking of going ahead with the trip in late September and try not to drink too much! Thanks a mill
I did the marathon in 2005 and took a week in the canaries straight after then at end of Nov 5 days in Barcelona, loads to do there and it was very mild. Jacket/jumper only used in the evenings.