Need advice on debt/what else I can do


Registered User
Hey folks, would appreciate your views, opinions, advice, etc. Am I doing enough and what more could I be doing?

Essentially I went back to study (independently) 2 years ago having decided on a career change and on an area I'm really interested in and where there would be a good chance of jobs. Previous to that I worked in the area I was qualified in so this is first time since college I wasn't working full-time.

Well from the tiger years and this study (and I have been living the most austere lifestyle one could) I still have debts of 2 credit cards (total 7k), and another Halifax turned personal loan (3k), with just 900 euro left to pay on my credit union loan. So 10k of debt still left to pay down.

I have been working part-time in an area kind of related to my new career and earning a decent hourly rate which is worthless as I have not been getting the hours they promised. So really my earnings from this job have been awful- getting 4 hours a week on average! So I never earn more than the 188 dole a week to go over it and I just get the difference and so my income is essentially the same as if I was on dole- always 188. I do a little bit of a nixer on the side getting me about 30-50 euro a month which is my food budget.

I'm behind on the credit card payments and just 100 behind on credit union from a shortfall back in January but I've made the other payments since then and will be clear of it in August.

With this level of debt and paltry income, and the old loan gone, is there any chance the credit union would give me a consolidation loan?

I have tried to find other jobs in anything- applied to data entry, factory, etc. jobs but didn't get anything. I'm also strongly considering going to London to find work in September once my credit union loan is paid- in fact I'm pretty sure I'm going to go.

I'm going to be doing a masters in Sept 2012 to finish off my study in my new field but I need to save money before that in order to do that.

Has anyone out there any advice? I'm open to all ideas. Mainly I guess can I get a consolidation loan with such a poor income and missed payments (c.2-3 months behind)? I'm thinking not, but what else can I do?

Thanks a mil, really appreciate any help.
Think you should look at the money makeover link first and give a proper breakdown of income and expenditure