Need advice before trading in car

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Hi ,
We have a '02 VW Golf to trade in , and we intend to buy a VW Polo '03.

Would like to know this ...............If we are offered a trade in value of say € 5,000 for the Golf , and the Polo we are intererested in, is less value , say € 3,999 , would the garage give us a cash back of the difference ?
Will the garage insist , that we spend more than what the trade-in car is worth ?

And if so , then how much more ?
Well, there is certainly no way they will GIVE you money when trading in. Secondly, I don't know how much in excess of the trade in value you have to spend. They want to make money on your Golf when they sell it, so they're going to give you a really bad deal on it.
If this was a few years ago and then knew they could sell your car and make a nice profit on it, they might of done a swap for swap but i dont see that happening at the moment. They will want to make something on the transaction. Althought it's called a "trade in" it's actually a "trade up".

You could sell the car else where and then use that money to go and buy another car.

I did once get money back from a trade in, but i knew the garage and had done business with them before, and this was a few years ago.
Thanks for advice ......

My understanding was that the garage always give a trade-in value of at least € 2,000 less than what car is worth.......and this is how they make profit , when selling the car .

Anyway , we hope to get around 4,500 for Golf and buy Polo in same garage for € 5,000 .....a trade-up of € 500

Yes, There is a good possibility that they might even tax and insure the Polo. Also, I would not worry about not having a full service history on your own
I don't know what condition/model/spec/engine your Golf is, but I see a good few 02's on carzone for less than 5k. . . Maybe you have a very nice one, but if you do not then you may have to reconsider that 4500!
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